We create solutions for a better, more equitable world.


Partnering with National Statistical Offices, NGOs, and private institutions, we collect and analyze socio-economic and demographic data. Our goal? To identify and address social challenges and bridge disparities in essential services.

We employ a quantitative approach in data analysis and evidence-based solutions to refine strategies for improved development outcomes. Our primary focus is on West Africa in Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, the Gambia and Nigeria.

Ghana flag

Liberia flag

Sierra Leone flag

Gambia flag

Nigeria flag

Who We Help

Learn About Our Clients

team hands

  • Federal government agencies in Nigeria.
  • State, local government and private entities in Ghana.
  • National statistics office in Liberia.
  • International aid organizations such as the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
  • United Nations agencies such as UNFPA, UNECA and UNDP.
  • Health institutions such as hospitals in Ghana working closely with the Ministry of Health.
  • Food and Agriculture Organizations (i.e., FAO).
  • Micro credit institutions.

How We Help

Research, Monitoring and Evaluations

Surveys and Data Capture

Our experts are well equipped in conducting household surveys that capture high-quality data for actionable insights.

Technical Assistance

We specialize in conducting comprehensive surveys for governments and organizations across Africa, with a keen focus on development initiatives. Our expertise is not only in collecting data but crafting tool and strategies that empower decision makers.

See our capabilities

Woman taking survey

Who We Are

Our People, Values and Culture

Our People

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Our associate are diverse professionals from over 27 countries around the world. We share a common vision but cross geographies, disciplines, and sectors.

Our Values

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Our mission is to help design effective policies for growth and job creation. We strive to improve the quality of life and economic well-being of people throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

Our Culture

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We are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all we do. Equity-based and culturally responsive practices are key in our organization.